2020-21 MDP Student Appointments, Awards, Honors, and Accomplishments

May 1, 2021
MDP Class of 2021

The MDP class of 2021


 2020-21 MDP Student Appointments, Awards, Honors, and Accomplishments


Heather Altherr -- Peace Corps Coverdell Fellow; Outreach Assistantship with Southwest Decision Resources; Research Assistantship with the UA Humanitarian Assistance Technical Support (HATS) Program.

Natalia Cachora – Graduate Assistantship with UA Native American Science and Engineering Program (NASEP); Graduate Intern, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP);  Tribal scholarship from the Ft Yuma Quechan Indian Tribe; Externship, EPA Region 10.

Julia Crocco -- Graduate Community Director, UA Housing and Residence Life; Case Management Intern with the International Rescue Committee; Management intern with the Tucson Metro Chamber Talent Pipeline; North American Student and Alumni Council Secretary for MDP Global; Fundraising Coordinator for Cervical Cancer Awareness and Prevention (CCAP) Across the Map

Jack DeBoer -- Peace Corps Coverdell Fellow; Outreach Assistantship with Humanitarian Response Department at Catholic Relief Services

Kirsten Drehobl --Student contractor, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center; Teaching Assistant, SGDE.

Caroline Lewis – Graduate Assistant, UA Food Studies Program; Educator Engagement Specialist, CommunityShare; UA Graduate College Scholarship 

Sehdia Mansaray – Peace Corps Coverdell Fellow, Outreach Assistantship with the National Phenology Network; Recipient of Center for Regional Food Studies Award; Thriving Earth Exchange Community Science Fellow with the American Geophysical Union; representative for the Southern Arizona Geographers’ Association (SAGA) and for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in SGDE

Charles Meisch – Teaching Assistantship, SGDE.  

Anjelica Montano –Research Assistant, UA Hispanic-Serving Institutions research study; UA Graduate College Scholarship.

Mary Ngugi -- Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship

Robert Riley – Research Assistantship, UA Humanitarian Assistance and Technical Support (HATS) project

Chandler Smith – Peace Corps Coverdell Fellow, Outreach Assistantship with Watershed Management Group; Research Assistantship on the Tucson refugees study; Outreach Assistantship with Integrated Risk Management Associates (IRMA); Vice President of UA Peace Corps Club

 Kurt Von Ohlen: Teaching Assistantship, SGDE