Shifting the Narrative: The Power of Women-Led Social Movements

June 6, 2019
Women with faces covered except for eyes


MDP alumnae Michelle Schatz and Robin Al-haddad have published an article on the Praxis Center blog on the role of Rohingya women in promoting the human rights of their communities in Myanmar and in forced exile in Bangladesh. The article is co-authored with Gatjeak Gew. 

"Whilst [international] organizations have designed programs that provide psychosocial support and the means for response and prevention, what is lacking are the tools and capacities to empower women to speak out on their own, thereby creating potentially long-term social change from within the camps. Despite the challenges, many Rohingya women have begun to rise up and speak out...." 

"... A comprehensive and multi-sectoral response to sexual violence is needed. Women-led social movements must be at the table, not just on the menu—thus, they must be an integral part of the solution. NGOs must ensure that Rohingya women’s voices and perspectives are included on a policy level and that social movements and victim advocates are adequately funded. NGOs must prioritize woman-created, woman-led programming as a matter of urgency. NGOs should also establish flexible funds for victim support, through which victims can receive comprehensive and holistic support that recognizes health at a community and social level. Advocacy efforts can enable civil society to ensure those responsible for the injustices are held accountable."

The full article, "Shifting the Narrative: The Power of Women-Led Social Movements," can be viewed on the blog of The Praxis Center.