"Through the Fire: Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona’s 10th Annual Camp Fury," by Robert Hartwell and Danielle Flink
MDP student Robert Hartwell participated in the UA Graduate and Professional Student Council (GPSC) 2019 Student Showcase as well as at the 2019 UA Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows Outreach + Research Showcase.
Robert collaborated with Danielle Flink, Vice President of Systems & Evaluation at Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona, on a poster entitled “Through the Fire: Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona’s 10th Annual Camp Fury." This poster was tied for first-place in the category of "Education" at the 2019 UA Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows Outreach + Research Showcase.
“Camp Fury was founded in 2009 in an effort to both combat the barriers faced by women in fire/EMS and law enforcement careers and to promote these careers as desirable options for women. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of Camp Fury on the Girl Scouts who participated in the summer of 2018. The results clearly highlight the positive impacts of Camp Fury on participating Girl Scouts, and suggest that it just might be one of GSSOAZ’s best summer camps.”