Kevin Anchukaitis

I am a paleoclimatologist, dendrochronologist, and earth systems geographer specializing in the reconstruction and analysis of climate variability and change over the Common Era and the interaction between past climate and human society.
My research uses an array of techniques to develop and interpret evidence for past, present, and future climate dynamics across a range of temporal and spatial scales, from local to global and interannual to millennial. These include dendroclimatology, climate field reconstruction and spatiotemporal data analysis, stable isotopes, proxy systems modeling, and the integration of paleoclimate data with General Circulation Modeling.
I hold joint appointments in the Department of Geosciences, the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Global Change, and the Laboratory of Tree Ring Research.
Students in my lab work on a diverse set of projects related to climate and environmental variability and change across a range of temporal and spatial scales. Possible thesis or disseration projects include: paleoclimate reconstruction of past drought and temperature variability; integrating climate models and earth systems data to better understand how the ocean-atmosphere system works and how it is likely to change in the future; coupled human and natural systems, particularly in Asia and the Americas; improved statistical, proxy system, and climate modeling approaches for understanding climate dynamics and environmental change in the past, present, and future.