Jason R. Jurjevich

As an urban/population geographer, I employ critical quantitative methods to advance research situated at the intersection of people and place, focusing on the socioeconomic, spatial, and political implications of demographic change. I have a particular interest in the census, migration, and housing, with recent work examining housing injustice in Baltimore and Tucson.
My newest research project, Mapping Racist Covenants, tells the story of racist covenants across Tucson neighborhoods and subdivisions, focusing on those enacted between 1912-1968. Beginning in the early 1900s, covenants, conditions, and restrictions were used to create racially restrictive neighborhoods across the United States. The project helps situate how racist covenants, in particular, are part of a larger set of institutional housing restrictions that have, and continue to, affect communities of color.
Before coming to SGDE, I served as Director of the Population Research Center (PRC) at Portland State University, leading demographic research across Oregon. Since 2010, my work has been featured in numerous media outlets, including National Public Radio (NPR), Arizona Public Media (NPR), Univision, CityLab, Governing Magazine, New York Times Magazine, Atlantic Cities, The Chronicle of Higher Education, the Arizona Republic, and the Arizona Daily Star.