Alexandre Florent Nolin

Research Areas
My research focuses on reconstructing and understanding past climatic and hydrological variability and its large-scale atmospheric drivers, to inform current environmental and societal concerns such as flood risk and water management. I particularly investigate how to develop new applications of annually resolved tree-ring proxies to improve our understanding of climate extremes such droughts and floods in the context of natural climate variability, to improve current assessment of the potential effects of observed and projected climate change. While paleoclimatology and dendrochronology are at the center of my research it also branches to forest ecology and remote sensing since it all relies on understanding forest dynamics and finding the right trees!
Research interests :
Dendrochronology & Quantitative Wood Anatomy
Hydrology, Flood & Drought
Climate variability & Change
Forest Ecology
Emerald ash borer
Education :
2022 - Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences (University of Québec, Canada)
2016 - M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences (Sorbonne Universités Paris VI, France)
2014 - B.Sc. in Forest Conservation (Université de Tours, France)
2012 - A.T.A. in Water Management and Conservation
2010 - A.T.A. in Forest Management and Conservation
External links :