Andrew Thomas Grogan

I am local geographer who grew up in Tucson and has worked in the geospatial industry for eighteen years. I received my bachelor’s from the University of Arizona’s School of Geography and Development with a focus on arid lands, environmental perception and urban terrain analysis. I received my master’s in GIS from Penn State University’s MGIS program which concluded with a capstone focusing on creating a spatial analysis model for generating cost surfaces to depict cross country mobility in natural terrain. In my professional GIS career I have worked for companies like General Dynamics doing geospatial development and production for a broad range of subjects including GEOINT and analysis of human/natural terrain systems. In other positions I have done GIS database, mapping and analysis work for large environmental engineering projects across the US. I’m a world traveler and avid fly fisherman with a passion for the natural world. As a Senior Instructional Specialist in the BS and MS-GIST programs I provide technical support for GIS and Remote Sensing courses and general administrative functions across all three GIST programs.