Jamie Lee

Jamie A. Lee is Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Associate Professor of Digital Culture, Information, and Society in the School of Information at the University of Arizona, where they co-founded and direct the Critical Archives & Curation Collaborative, co/lab; the Arizona Queer Archives (www.arizonaqueerarchives.com); and the Digital Storytelling & Oral History Lab, which communicates multimodal productions research to a broader public as engaged research and, importantly, as a vehicle for social justice. Their book Producing the Archival Body (Routledge, 2021) interrogates how power circulates in archival contexts and builds critical understandings of how archives influence and shape productions of embodied knowledge. Lee is currently co-editing Research in the Archival Multiverse: a Companion Volume with archival studies colleagues from Australia, Guam, Hungary, South Africa, and USA.
Lee is an award-winning social justice documentary filmmaker, archivist, and scholar committed to queer/ed and decolonizing methodologies as well as asset-driven and participatory approaches to projects produced with communities. They were awarded an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Early Career Grant to inquire into the politics of description in community-based archives and also the prestigious Agnese Nelms Haury Program for Environment and Social Justice Faculty Fellowship to develop their Digital Humanities project, secrets of the agave | a Climate Justice Storytelling Project [www.secretsoftheagave.com].
Visit Jamie A. Lee’s research website for an extended bio and updates: thestorytellinglab.io
Affiliate Faculty: Gender & Women’s Studies; School of Geography, Development, and the Environment; American Indian Studies; School of Art; and the Social Cultural Critical Theory GIDP