Padmendra Shrestha

ENR2 S595-BB
I am a Ph.D. student from Nepal. I have a master's degree in urban and regional planning from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Prior to joining School of Geography and Development, I worked with a range of actors from government, non-profit, private sector, international organizations, and local communities on policy issues related to water, energy and natural resource governance.
I carry out multi-disciplinary research in water and energy policy, primarily at the intersection between infrastructure, environment and society. My Ph.D. research focuses on adaptation and resilience in coupled water and energy systems in Nepal.
Courses that I have taught/teach:
GEOG 170A - Earth’s Environments: Introduction to Physical Geography. (Teaching Assistant - Fall 2019, Spring 2020)
GEOG 304 - Water, Environment and Society (Summer 2020)