Stefano Bloch

I am a cultural geographer who conducts research on neighborhood change, criminality/criminalization, policing, prisons, and identity with expertise in LA-based gangs, graffiti as a socio-spatial practice, and the use of ethnographic and autoethnographic research methods. I currently teach Crime and the City, Cultural Geography, and American Landscape at the undergraduate level and History of Geographic Thought at the graduate level.
I am faculty in the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory and affiliated with the Institute for LGBT Studies and the Center for Latin American Studies. I also serve on the UArizona Police Department Advisory Council.
Please feel free to contact me if you are looking to do graduate work in the areas of cultural geography or critical criminology, particularly if you are interested in issues related to neighborhood change, policing, crime, subcultures, and/or place-based identity with the use of qualitative and/or quantitative research methods. A degree in geography is not a prerequisite to work with me.
My book, Going All City: Struggle and Survival in LA's Graffiti Subculture is published by University of Chicago Press (2019). For more information, visit the book's website.