"Monitoring Markets and Supply Chains for Humanitarian COVID-19 Response," by Jack DeBoer

April 29, 2021

MDP student Jack DeBoer developed this poster based on his work as an Outreach Assistant with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) during academic year 2020-21. Jack's placement with CRS was part of his Coverdell Fellowship, which is offered by UA to selected Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. 

At CRS, Jack worked with the Humanitarian Response Department and Program Impact and Quality Assurance as part of the Market and Supply Chain Monitoring Task Force. Working closely with headquarters and country program staff, he supported the implementation of CRS's market and supply chain monitoring tool in nine African countries. The tool was designed to provide insights into how local and national markets are functioning and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic but has since been adapted for other crises as well, such as war, natural disasters and an Ebola outbreak.

In this role, Jack primarily drafted reports and generates data visualizations identifying key market information and trends for participating country programs, so that they can improve program effectiveness and write better targeted and more compelling proposals.

A PDF of the poster is attached to this article.